J R Bio
Local guy who loves local sports!
J R's Articles (26 Articles Written)
Just in case you hadn't heard, BYU/UTAH rivarly continues. | October 08, 2010 3:40pm
I know it's old news now but here are the dates for the future rivarly game as posted on ESPN... http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=5659125 In related news, Boise State is now off the schedule as of now. Boise fans I'm sure will say it was from fear. Blah blah blah, let them talk, then reView Full Article
BYU Football Fires Jaime Hill Defensive Coordinator | October 04, 2010 9:25am
In an very interesting move by BYU, Jaime Hill will no longer be calling the defensive plays for BYU football, after being embarrased by Utah State on ESPN for the whole nation to see. All week all I heard was how BYU and Utah State was not a rivalry. (this of course coming from BYU fans.) I must aView Full Article
Team Riley or Team Jacob? The BYU QB Love Triangle Is Finally Over! | September 26, 2010 6:02pm
And yes I did just reference Twilight in a football article! Is that bad? The truth in the matter is I hate the series just as much as I can't stand BYU football. However, I was begining to wonder why the co-QB system had lasted so long. Whether Riley getting surgery was a blessing in disguise or View Full Article
Utah Utes Off to 4-0 Start Heading Into The Bye Week. | September 26, 2010 5:49pm
Salt Lake City, UT- The University of Utah Played host to San Jose State on Saturday in Rice-Eccles Stadium in a game that everyone knew Utah would walk out with another win. The game wasnt televised so if you havent been able to see any of the blooper real, wait I mean, highlight reel, sorryNot View Full Article
Utah Blows Out New Mexico, Next Up San Jose State | September 19, 2010 10:34pm
If you happened to miss Saturdays game, well you missed a very lopsided game. Luckily many of the voters dont watch Utah games, and just check final scores. Utah did more than just cover the spread and silence all the New Mexico has been a tough place to play for the Utes talk. They seem to have View Full Article
Utah Utes and National Championship talk. Can they bust the BCS yet again? | September 13, 2010 2:06pm
Not to be too optimistic, but with a series of fortunate events.i.e. Virginia Tech losing to James Madison, and the Utes jumping 6 spots in the National Rankings this week. Utah could very easily find itself in the talks of yet another BCS busting year. Not to get too far ahead of our selves butView Full Article
Utah special teams, almost ruined a special night. | September 03, 2010 5:42pm
All the questions people asked about how the Utes would play have been answered. Many questioned how the inexperienced line-backing core would handle the Heisman candidate Dion Lewis running game. Holding him to only 75 yards, a number he hit last year in some cases just after one quarter of play.View Full Article
12 Days of Football... | August 21, 2010 6:00pm
On the 12th day of football my true love gave to me.a top 25 ranking.Once again the Utes have been voted in the top 25 to begin the season. The Utes have also been picked to take 2nd in the conference just behind TCU, and ahead of the team down south. It still seems almost too good to be true thView Full Article
Harvey Unga WILL be playing on sundays! | July 08, 2010 2:24pm
20 NFL teams showed up to watch Harvey Unga's pro day in Provo today and Harvey put on a show. He set personal bests in both the vertical and broad jumps, measuring 35" and 9'6" respectively. He also matched a personal best by throwing up 225 lbs., 19 times. No he didn't blow chuncks...He blew minView Full Article
12 pack for the PAC-12...and a trip down memory lane. | June 17, 2010 7:16pm
The year was 1994, the coach was Ron McBride, the opponent was Arizonacough PAC-10The winner of the Freedom Bowl was the Utah Utes. The AP Poll ranked them 10th and the Coaches Poll had them at 8th. That year a total of 4 ranked teams fell victim to the U of U. Along with Arizona.coView Full Article
PAC-10 errr 12 press release! It is as official as it gets! | June 17, 2010 2:08pm
Pac-10 press release from www.pac-10.org SALT LAKE CITY -- The Pacific-10 Conference announced today that the University of Utah has accepted an invitation to join the Conference as its 12th member. The Utes and the University of Colorado, which accepted an invitation to join the Pac-10 last weekView Full Article
Questioning the Rivarly!? BYU vs. UTAH | June 08, 2010 2:58pm
Time to ruffle some feathers...and let the cat out of the bag. With all the talk on expansion right now many people have started questioning what could happen to this rivalry...However, I'n not hear to question the strength of this rivalry at all, but actually to hopefully cause a riot. So get yourView Full Article
Ute C.J. Cron Named to Louisville Slugger All-American Team | June 03, 2010 4:49pm
This kid is only a sophomore and is ranked nationally in the top ten in slugging percentage (5th, .817), Home runs per game (6th, 0.41), and in RBI (7th, 81). These numbers are what earned him a spot on the All-American First Team roster as the Designated Hitter. Congratulations C.J. for your hardView Full Article
More Pac-10 Expansion Talk...Blah Blah Blah | June 02, 2010 7:06pm
Anyone else getting tired of all the hype of the unkown? Rumors are surfacing all over the place and yet it is nearly impossible to find a credible source. I heard from a friend of a cousin's ex fiance's sister that the Utes will be in the Pac-10 (No, that is not true). So without wasting more oView Full Article
BYU-UTAH Rivalry Tournament Style! | May 27, 2010 10:34am
Because Utah lost to TCU by a 13-2 deficit yesterday in a bit of a shalacking (if that's not a word, is is now) they will now face BYU today at 11:00 am PT. Winner of that game will go on to face New Mexico quickly after at 3:00 pm PT. The last meeting between the two teams was a 3 game series thaView Full Article
BYU falls to UNLV 9-1 in MWC tournament. | May 26, 2010 8:58am
After a 1-1 tie it was all Rebels as they went on to defeat the Cougars 9-1. 17 straight at bats without a hit is too much for any team to overcome, and that was what plagued BYU as they went on to lose. BYU will now play in the losers bracket and fight to keep there season alive today at 11 a.m. View Full Article
Ute baseball advances in MWC tournament. | May 26, 2010 8:53am
Last night the Utah Utes took on SDSU and won 12-6. They started down by 2 but then it was all Utah as they put up a 7 run 4th inning that was more than enough to finish off San Diego State. The Utes will now face TCU tonight Wednesday, May 26, at 7:00 p.m. PT on the MTN network.View Full Article
All MWC Baseball team announced! | May 24, 2010 9:20pm
Congratulations to Sophomore C.J. Cron for being named the MWC player of the year! Joining Cron on the First Team All-Conference is third-baseman Nick Kuroczko. Cron was named to the First Team as DH/Utility. Pitcher Rick Auton recieved Second team honors along with three cougars, Brandon Relf SrView Full Article
5 Utes receive preseason All-MWC honors from Phil Steele. | May 19, 2010 4:30pm
Center Zane Taylor, Offensive Guard Caleb Schlauderaff, Running Back Eddie Wide, Defensive Tackle Dave Kruger (lil' Krug as I like to call him) and Defensive Back Brandon Burton! Congrats guys and we look forward to this years football season! Go UTES!!!View Full Article
Unga will not play in 2010 | May 19, 2010 4:27pm
Harvey Unga was told he will not be able to return until 2010 winter semester. Unga who withdrew from BYU at the same time as his girlfriend, Keilani Moeaki, a member of the BYU women's basketball team, for violations of the honor code. This begs the questions: How will this effect the BYU runningView Full Article