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Questioning the Rivarly!? BYU vs. UTAH Add Comment    Jun 08, 2010

Time to ruffle some feathers...and let the cat out of the bag. With all the talk on expansion right now many people have started questioning what could happen to this rivalry...However, I'n not hear to question the strength of this rivalry at all, but actually to hopefully cause a riot.  So get your rocks, bottles, and your favorite flamable substance ready...

First off, like many Utah fans I am sick and tired of hearing the 1984 National Championship talk...(way to beat Michigan...I forget what they were ranked that year?  Oh yeah they weren't) In the current system BYU would not have earned said honor.

Second, I'm sure BYU fans are sick of hearing about the Fiesta Bowl, and the Sugar Bowl victories that Utah fans were able to rub in their faces.  Now since most of the arguments I have either been a part of or have over heard...Most BYU fans revert back to the last game played and the overtime victory by the classy Max Hall.

What I'm trying to figure out is which or the two is the more powerful blow.  I am going to attempt to break this down and figure out which has more weight. 

Nevermind the overall record between the 2 schools, which can't even come to an agreement on just that alone. But in the last 17 meetings, 13 have been decided by a touchdown or less. The last 10 matches have been split evenly with both teams winning 5 of the matchups. Both schools have won the conference outright 3 times, and both schools own a share of the same title (along with CSU).

For the BYU fans: Would you trade a 1984 National Championship for a BCS Bowl victory?  If not would you trade it for 2?

Utah Fans: Would you trade either the Fiesta Bowl or the Sugar Bowl trophy for a 20 year old National Championship?

Utah and BYU fans: Are you too bullheaded to admit that you would consider one of those hypothetical trades?

BYU fans: Who is the one Utah player in football history you can't stand?

Utah fans: Who is the one BYU player in football history you can stand?

BYU/Utah fans: Would you ever support the other school? If so under what circumstance?

I know I have limited this to football, but lets be honest basketball just doesn't have the same draw...and if it did I'm sure the roles would reverse and Utah fans would say, we have a national championship (1944) and a national championship appearance (1998), in which case Utah fans would become hypocrites for doing the same thing BYU fans do with their precious 84 championship...

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