Salt Lake Community College
Salt Lake City, Utah

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Why Doesn't SLCC Basketball Get Any Credit? Add Comment    Jan 15, 2010

Did you know that the Salt Lake Community College Men's Basketball team won their second consecutive Region 18 championship and their first ever 2009 National Championship? Neither did I.

I'll admit - I don't follow a lot of the smaller school teams - but when a local communicaty college wins the basketball national championship - at least a little plug on the local stations is warranted. I know coverage for the big teams like the Jazz, UofU, BYU and the others has to be packed into air time - but come on guys - this is a national championship. This deserves some attention.

So here's our plug to you from Utah College Sports:


Congratulations to the school, the SLCC Bruins, Coach Norm Parrish and staff and all the players for the school's first ever National Championship.

We'll be following you here for sure and we'll make sure you get some attention that you earned and deserve.

Link to more about the win and the team.

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Mike Van

January 21, 2010 9:31am

Way to go SLCC basketball!

Jeremy Vick

January 21, 2010 3:48pm

SLCC you rock!!!!!

Eric McMullan

January 30, 2010 9:12pm

Maybe you should go check out the Deseret News. They have weekly "small ball" articles written by one of their reporters, John Coon, and he writes about SLCC basketball on a regular basis.

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