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WANTED: Dunking Center? Add Comment    Jan 15, 2010

I have been going to Utah Basketball games for over 2 decades. Being raised in a family who puts Utah season tickets as a high priority in its yearly budget, has given me an edge on pin-pointing the good players and GREAT players. Looking at the players that went on to play professional ball, there is one thing that stands out above the rest... Enthusiastic POWER! When they got the ball underneath, you knew it the stadium would erupt.

Last year, Utah centers set a standard for recent Utah Basketball, that says that all you need to is get the ball... and wait for it, wait for it... turn and float the ball around the rim. Looking back at that year, as recruiters pass on by, I wonder if those players now see the vision of what was missing.

So my question is directed to Foster, Tillie, and Washburn... WHERE's THE POWER? It takes more than just height to get your name remembered, or your retired jersey number hanging from the stadium. Stop playing cautious basketball and start intimidating your opponents.

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