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Waiting, waiting, waiting... Add Comment    Jun 14, 2010

So everyone from the top of the state of Utah to the bottom will need to wait a bit longer.  The invitation to the Pac 10 is not here yet.  The invite will also have to see who jumps ship from the Big 12.  If the remaining teams invited go, then it may not play well for Utah.  If even one of them does not come over, like Texas A&M, then Utah is most likely a shoe in.  If the Big 12 becomes the Big 10, and stays alive, then Utah will get the invite to the PAC 10.  BYU, waiting as well.  Will the Big 12 turn 10, then invite BYU and Air Force?  Possibility.  Will a few teams jump from the Big 12, then the Big 12 need BYU and Air Force, and Utah go to the Pac 10?  All is possible.  Worst scenario is the other five teams moving to the Pac 10, and then Utah and BYU will be left out.  And if the best case happens, then Boise State will be the big dog I guess with TCU!?!?

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