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Utah Basketball in Peril Add Comment    Apr 05, 2010

The University of Utah's Men's basketball team is in Peril.  They are falling apart.  They are losing two of their players to graduation and four more have just plain and simply left the program.  I mentioned a few weeks ago that last years team was ok, but they underachieved.  In to the tournament, but one and done.  This year, a sub 500 record and a one and out in the MWC tournament.  This is not only bad from a fans perspective, but from a recruiting perspective as well.  This is bad!  So Boylen is going to have his first losing season, but his first with the majority of the team being his recruits.  Next year, they are all his.  I do not see them playing well together.  This coach is coaching to his needs and not to his talent.  You see the great teams change plays, efforts, and hoe they manage the team based on the talent.  Not here.  Boylen coaches the same everyday and changes nothing, just like his game shirts.  Maybe it is time to wear a white shirt for a CHANGE...

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