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USC trying to stop Utah from moving to PAC-10 Add Comment    Jun 14, 2010

The change in conferences is moving fast.  Everyone is waiting for the next big team to make a decision.  Well, today a decision was made.  Texas is staying.   You know the money and TV rights must have been very good.  So, what does that mean, well, it means that the PAC-10 has an opening.  My sources told me weeks ago that Utah had the invite, and we all heard that.  Then all the moves or rumors of moves began.  This put the Utah invite on hold.  Well, now would be the time for Ute fans to be excited about a move to the PAC-10, but there is a problem, and it is called the USC AD.  My sources are telling me that he is trying to do everything he can to stop Utah from being invited.  Why?  My take, he is afraid.  Not afraid of a game or the BSC games they have been in, but more afraid of the recruiting that will happen in favor of Utah over the next two years.  As the NCAA sanctions take affect for USC, they will definitely lose a lot of momentum with recruiting.  One thing we know is that a lot of the players that USC gets have ties to Utah players.  If USC cannot play in a bowl game, loses championships and scholarships, most of these players will look highly at Utah.  So, the USC AD, who was in favor of Utah coming over just a few weeks ago, is now pulling back from his word.  My question is, with the NCAA sanctions on USC, do they even have a leg to stand on to oppose what was already voted on in the positive.  I think not.  Look for the invite soon!

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